• Integrative bodywork uses a blend of the various techniques I have acquired during my time as a therapist. These sessions are uniquely crafted to meet the goals of my client. Some specialties to expect include myofascial release, trigger point therapy, abdominal massage, facilitated stretching and craniosacral.

  • Abdominal Therapy formerly known as Maya Abdominal Massage originates in Maya massage practices. Dr. Rosita Arvigo studied for 40 years with traditional healers in Central America and combined what she learned with extensive anatomical study and her Naprapathic practices. (Naprapathy shares a fundamental philosophy with Chiropractic Medicine, but focuses on soft tissue manipulation and stretching rather than bony adjustment.)

    Gentle external massage facilitates optimal organ positioning and enhances the flow of blood, lymph, nerve impulses and chi in the abdomen. The increase in flow restores homeostasis and allows the body to heal. 

    The low back and sacrum are addressed to help further remove congestion in the belly and pelvic bowl. 

    You will learn abdominal self-massage to enhance the results of professional sessions.

    The combination of self-massage and professional guidance will bring you into a deeper relationship with your belly. Self-acceptance is essential to healing no matter the trouble or condition you are going through. Rather than focusing on what’s wrong, you can learn to listen and appreciate how your body serves you. Overall, facilitating a loving conversation with your body to encourage healing.

  • Prenatal and postpartum bodywork is available during your entire duration of pregnancy. It is helpful with reducing pain/discomfort associated with your changing body. Additionally, it aides in calming the nervous system of both the mother and baby.

    I have amble bolsters, cushions and pillows to support mothers in lying face down, face up and on the side.

  • CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the CranioSacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. It was pioneered and developed by osteopathic physician John E. Upledger. Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel, practitioners release restrictions in the CranioSacral system, which has been shown to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more. Craniosacral Therapy uses a light touch and does not require removal of clothing like a typical massage. I will begin by accessing the craniosacral rhythm. Based on my findings I will perform different holds to release discomfort in the body and create more ease within the Craniosacral and central nervous system.

  • Treat your employees to a rejuvenating experience that boosts morale and productivity with my corporate chair massage service. I will bring the relaxation directly to your workplace, providing a soothing escape from the daily grind without interrupting the workflow.

    Please reach out via phone or email for more information.


What to expect


Initial visit: The initial visit will be two hours long. It will include a comprehensive health intake, physical assessment, treatment and self-care education for between sessions.

Treatment: During the session you will be unclothed and draped as you would for a regular massage. The massage covers the entire abdomen - this helps to stimulate blood circulation, the lympatic system, and nerve impluses to the organs. The uterus lays just above the pubic bone, so I will be working quite low. Sessions always include back, hip and sacrum work. This improves nerve flow to abdominal and pelvic organs, supporting proper uterine placement, and aligns your pelvis for your comfort and freedom of movement.

Self-massage: I will teach you the routine developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo and send you an email with written instructions. I recommend you do the 10-minute self-massage daily to improve and accelerate results.  

Supportive Modalities: I may suggest castor oil packs, herbal formulas, yoni steams and variations on the traditional belly-wrap called a faja. I will instruct you specifically on any we decide to use.

Follow-up Appointments: Depending on the client’s need these are scheduled every 2-4 weeks. Plan on at least three 90-minute follow-up sessions for best results.


Please arrive early enough to give yourself time to settle in, use the bathroom, and breathe! In preparation for abdominal therapy, please do not not eat much 2 hours prior to your session.

Please wait in the waiting room until I come out to get you.

When you come into the office we will discuss your health history - during this time we will collaborate to create a plan that best suits your bodies needs.

I will leave the room and let you undress to your level of comfort - you will either lay face down or face up on the massage table underneath the sheets.

I will knock on the door before I re-enter the room to make sure you are ready to begin.


Craniosacral Therapy uses a light touch and does not require removal of clothing like a typical massage. The client will lay face up on the massage table and find a comfortable position with eyes open or closed. A typical session is 1 hour long. I will begin by accessing the craniosacral rhythm at your feet or head. Based on the restrictions I find I will move throughout your body and facilitate release. This can help to release discomfort in the body and create more ease within the craniosacral and central nervous system.

Questions, feedback and discussion of what the client is experiencing are welcome at any time throughout the session.